Now out of prison but still disgraced by his peers, Gordon Gekko works his future son-in-law, an idealistic stock broker, when he sees an opportunity to take down a Wall Street enemy and rebuild his empire.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
The Ugly Truth (2009)
A romantically challenged morning show producer is reluctantly embroiled in a series of outrageous tests by her chauvinistic correspondent to prove his theories on relationships and help her find love. His clever ploys, however, lead to an unexpected result.
In Sacramento, Abby Richter produces a morning news show that's about to be canceled. To boost ratings, her boss hires Mike Chadway, a local cable call-in host who promotes the ugly truth: sex is the only glue in a relationship, men can't change, and they only respond to women's looks. Mike offends Abby's sensibility: she has a checklist about the perfect man, and she's found him in her new neighbor, Colin, a hunky doctor. Mike offers to help her reel in Colin if she'll work with Mike on the show; she accepts the deal, ratings go up, and, with Mike's help, so does Colin's interest in her. Craig Ferguson, a hot air balloon, and the ugly truth help this take on "Cyrano" play out.
n Sacramento, the producer of a morning show Abby Richter is a controller that has a checklist with items about the ideal man for her; however she can not find any man that fulfills her prerequisites. Her show has problems with the low ratings and the TV direction hires the cynical chauvinist Mike Chadway that hosts the popular and gross mannish show "The Ugly Truth" about what men and women really want in a relationship. Abby has frictions with Mike and he proposes to help her to get her attractive neighbor Colin that fulfills her checklist; in return she would support him in the show. Abby dates Colin but when Mike is invited to participate in the Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show in San Francisco, they get closer and fall in love for each other. But out of the blue, Colin arrives in Abby's room and she has to make a decision.
Robert LuketicWriters:
Nicole Eastman (screenplay), Karen McCullah Lutz(screenplay)Stars:
Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler and Bree TurnerOne For The Money (2012)
Unemployed and newly-divorced Stephanie Plum lands a job at her cousin's bail-bond business, where her first assignment puts her on the trail of a wanted local cop from her romantic past.
Julie Anne RobinsonWriters:
Stacy Sherman (screenplay), Karen Ray(screenplay)Stars:
Katherine Heigl, Jason O'Mara and Daniel SunjataKillers (2010)
Robert LuketicCu
Ashton Kutcher, Katherine HeiglGen film
95 minute- După ce a fost lăsătă cu ochii în soare de fostul iubit, Jen (Katherine Heigl) crede în dragoste la fel de mult cât crede şi în Moş Crăciun. Şi pentru ca situaţia să devină şi mai greu de suportat, Jen este forţată să ... plece în vacanţa cu părinţii. În luxoasa Riviera franceză îl întâlneşte pe Spencer Aimes (Ashton Kutcher), un tip pe cât de arătos pe atât de amuzant, care în acel moment părea să fie rezolvarea tuturor problemelor ei. Deşi nimeni n-ar fi crezut, peste trei ani Spencer devine un soţ exemplar si nimic nu pare să le tulbure viata liniştită din suburbie. Asta până în ziua în care Spencer aniversează 30 de ani şi gloanţele încep să şuiere în jurul lor. La propriu.
În timp ce sunt hăituiţi de trei ucigaşi periculoşi, Jen află cu stupoare că Spencer este de fapt un asasin plătit, în slujba guvernului. Conform clasicului ,,împreună la bine şi la greu’’, ea experimentează pe propria piele ce înseamnă să fie nevastă de James Bond şi începe chiar să se priceapă la asta. Urmăririle periculoase devin repede un stil de viata pentru Jen şi mariajul lor idilic se transformă într-o aventură haotică memorabilă. Din 11 iunie, Un cuplu mortal îmbină acţiunea cu hohotele de râs pe marile ecrane din România.
Killer Elite (2011)
When his mentor is taken captive, a retired member of Britain's Elite Special Air Service is forced into action. His mission: kill three assassins dispatched by their cunning leader.
Gary McKendryWriters:
Matt Sherring (screenplay), Ranulph Fiennes (book) (inspiration)Stars:
Jason Statham, Clive Owen and Robert De Niro300 Spartans (2006)
King Leonidas and a force of 300 men fight the Persians at Thermopylae in 480 B.C.
Zack Snyder
In the Battle of Thermopylae of 480 BC an alliance of Greek city-states fought the invading Persian army in the mountain pass of Thermopylae. Vastly outnumbered, the Greeks held back the enemy in one of the most famous last stands of history. Persian King Xerxes lead a Army of well over 100,000 (Persian king Xerxes before war has about 170,000 army) men to Greece and was confronted by 300 Spartans, and several hundred Arcadians. Xerxes waited for 10 days for King Leonidas to surrender or withdraw left with no options he moved. The battle lasted for about 3 days and after which all 300 Spartans were killed. The Spartan defeat was not the one expected, as a local shepherd, named Ephialtes, defected to the Persians and informed Xerxes of a separate path through Thermopylae, which the Persians could use to outflank the Greeks.
Immortals (2011)
Tarsem SinghCu
Henry Cavill, Mickey Rourke, John Hurt, Luke Evans, Freida PintoGen film
110 minute- La ere după ce mitica luptă dintre Zei şi Titani s-a încheiat, o nouă forţă malefică ameninţă ţinuturile: însetat de putere, regele Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) declară război umanităţii. După ce strânge o armată de soldaţi desfiguraţi de propria lui mână, răscoleşte Grecia în căutarea unei arme cu puteri magice - Arcul lui Epirus, făurit de însuşi Ares.
Numai posesorul Arcului are puterea să îi elibereze pe Titani din temniţa Munţilor Tartaros, în care fuseseră închişi în vremuri imemoriale. Cu dorinţa lor de răzbunare şi cu arma magică, Hyperion poate să-i distrugă atât pe oameni cât şi pe zei. Legaţi de o veche lege antică ce le interzice să intervină în conflictul dintre oameni, zeii sunt neputincioşi în faţa propriului sfârşit, dar Zeus are un plan: el îl alege în secret pe Tezeu, care, ajutat de o bandă de proscrişi, va trebui să îi salveze pe oameni de Hyperion şi să împiedice măcelărirea zeilor.
High Road (2012)
High Road showcases a totally improvised script about Glenn "Fitz" Fitzgerald (James Pumphery), a young man whose loyalties are split among his band, his girlfriend Monica (Abby Elliott) and selling weed. After his band breaks up, Fitz finds himself dealing pot out of his garage and bonding with a rebellious 16-year-old Jimmy (Dylan O'Brien). As his former band mates (Zach Woods, Matt L. Jones, Lizzy Caplan) find success and one of his drug deals goes awry, Fitz and Jimmy hit the road. Amid guns, broken bones, sassy cabbies, rude hookers, and a suspicious doctor (Horatio Sanz), Fitz has to navigate their way to safety-and he doesn't even know about the surprise Monica has in store for him back home!
Matt WalshWriters:
Matt Walsh (screenplay), Josh Weiner (screenplay)Stars:
Kathryn Burns, Lizzy Caplan and Michael ColemanDennis the Menace Strikes Again! (1998)
Hey, Mr. Wilson! It's another Dennis the Menace movie! The day starts out fine, it's Mr. Wilson's birthday and guess who shows up uninvited? Dennis and a few of his bug friends. After getting a cake in the face and falling down the stairs in a wagon, Mr. Wilson wishes Dennis had another old man to bother. His prayers are answered when Dennis' grandfather comes over announcing he's gonna move in! So one again all is fine until Mr. Wilson finds out he's getting old and Grandpa can do everything better than Mr. Wilson. One day at an amusement park, Mr. Wilson meets The Professor and his assistant Sylvester who claim to be specialists in making people younger--for a price. It's a scam but Mr. Wilson is to naive to know. Well the first few attempts at decreasing Mr. Wilson's age fail, thanks to Dennis. Mr. Wilson tries to do things better than Grandpa when he follows them to the swimming pool but he fails. But it's young Dennis who catches the swindlers at their own game when Wilson wants to sell his house and Professor and Sylvester show up disguised as plumbers, electricians, realty men, exterminators, and what-have-you and make large holes in Mr. Wilson's house--not to mention his check book, but it's Dennis to the rescue and everyone is happy. Sometime later, Grandpa takes Dennis to the Grand Canyon in Grandpa's motor home. The mistake: The motorhome is parked awful close to the canyon and it's wheels are stopped with a rock, which Dennis collects while rock hunting. Back at home, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson watch Grandpa getting rescued from the Grand Canyon and Mr. Wilson proclaims, "He's a menace!"
Charles T. KanganisWriters:
Hank Ketcham (characters), Jeff Schechter (story)Stars:
Don Rickles, George Kennedy and Justin CooperDennis The Menace (1993)
Dennis, everyone's favorite kid from the comics is back. When his parents have to go out of town, he stays with Mr and Mrs Wilson. The little menace is driving Mr Wilson crazy. But Dennis is just trying to be helpful. Even to the thief he bumps into.
Nick CastleWriters:
Hank Ketcham (characters), John HughesStars:
Walter Matthau, Mason Gamble and Joan PlowrightWALL·E (2008)
Andrew StantonCu
Elissa Knight, Fred Willard, Ben BurttGen film
98 minute- Este anul 2700, iar Pământul este acoperit de gunoaie, ca urmare a secolelor de consumerism nesăbuit. Oamenii au plecat de pe Terra lăsând în urmă o armată de mici roboţi a căror sarcină este să facă planeta iarăşi locuibilă. În urma unei erori de programare, singurul robot activ este micul Wall-E. El se îndrăgosteşte de Eve, un robot trimis de oameni pentru a vedea cum evoluează operaţiunile pe Terra. Wall-E are un singur vis, să-şi afle un cămin în Univers. Se va transforma el în realitate?
Această nouă capodopera a regelui Spielberg ne oferă o extraordinară poveste de dragoste născută între ruinele planetei Pământ. Filmul susprinde prin poveste, conţinut şi realizare. Este povestea unei umanităţi care îşi pierde identitatea şi echilibrul, dar care, cu ajutorul celor doi eroi, Wall-e şi Eve, reuşeşte să îşi regăsească valorile de sine şi să revină acasă pentru a-şi îndrepta erorile şi a salva Terra.

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